Sunday, May 31, 2020

An unheard call - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

I am afraid 
will you help me?

     I am in this space 
     will you seek me?

          I dragged by danger
          did you hear me?

               I keep asking myself 
               why me; why me?

                    lurking, puking
                    did anyone care for me?

                         I get no breathing
                         get me some lime

wake me, take me
from this storming time
my soaking eyes, shivering hands
HELP me please, my mind getting stabbed

save me! save me!
                    I SHOUT          

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, An unheard call 

Kite - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

Poping-out through the casement

a notion comes into my mind

reverie occurred, while watching it freely flying

signifying free rein

across this immense skyline

but as being clutch by its nurturer

like very us by our almighty god

ideating if flown too high

he tracks us down

and buoy ups too

while going steep down

maybe we see our elbow grease but

its was only him who foster us to drive by

As the wind is our guardian angels 

who drift us making the route to pass by

they lend us their favor waving sign

so that we can fly, fly, and fly.

Akshay Gupta

Tags: Kite, English, Poem 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Mirror - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)
         I reflect only trueness
           don't decorate me with lies
             so just heed me
               what I apprise          
        I can hear your inner thought and beliefs
          so do have faith in me
                      if you have any question then avow me
                        I will never ever deny
                        but yes with some patience 
                      as I change myself
                     only with a continuous try 
                   greet me as if your own self with, please 
       don't seed me with fake prize
     the vibes come from inside you
  reflect your perception in me
          if life becomes amiss, don't cry
        as my emotion attached by you, I imply 
Akshay Gupta 

Tags: English, Mirror, Poem

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

माँ - कविता

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)


तू सबसे नियारी है   

मेरी प्यारी है

कितना ध्यान रखती है सबका

पर एक बात बता माँ

तुझे हमारी मन की बात कैसे पता चल जाती है

मे कितना सताता हु फिर भी एक ही पल में माफ़ करदेती है

इसलिए मुझे तू सबसे प्यारी है

जैसे फूलो की कियारी है 

अक्षय गुप्ता

Tags: Hindi, कविता, Mother, माँ

Calendar - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

Sweet fanny Adams is ephemeral
incessant is deception
you can call your life "definition"
inhering quality of the transition
mirroring your "past, present, and future"
would you like to do any of my appreciation?
Ah, I see 
don't tell me, you haven't recognized me?
I am your calendar 
your day's calculator
I keep you arouse daily with your priorities
Remember Mr.?
Hey, don't make that dazing face!
I emphase,
and you can't fix me, 
as I swift myself on and on
so don't tell me ever to stay 
But you know what
I pronounce myself, "your patron"
sometimes my dates, not choice you but
sometimes, I become great
in your deemed estate
Now mark me with your highlighter
I will keep update you 
with your work brother
"your devotee calendar"

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Calendar

Poetry - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

Astounding words and phrases give me life
imputing me with the feeling of poet vibes
I am very thankful to those
who seeds me, grows me
and bring me into this esthetic limelight

some sentiments flow out of glee
and some are basically, a plea
I am very thankful to those
who decors me with all their heart and warmth
is just startling like a scintillating sea

poet's cap of thinking is like an endless ocean
where the viewer can dive with limitless motion
I am very thankful to those 
who gives me style with new meaning and semblance
always make me stand with all beliefs and emotions.

connecting society with cognition
like an ineffable appearance in the elucidation
I am very thankful to those 
who brings immersion and gaiety to many
in their very genial composition.

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Poetry

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Heaven - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

Heaven is overhead 
having an invisible staircase
it will only come into sight
when we do righteous things with grace

worship your soul with probity
and ecstasy will lay hold of
meeting the state of serenity
unfolding your life path thereof

it's not an easy path to go with
required lot of efforts and sacrifices
you have to be wholeheartedly devotee
with no "tag prices"

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Heaven

Friday, May 22, 2020

I love you Mom - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

Love is life 
life is you
in every way of my life
I find you
happiness comes
when you smile
there is nothing more
I want
 you are my lifeline
creating my world
truly sublime

I Love you, Mom💓

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Mother, I love you Mom

Thursday, May 21, 2020

गरीब की जुबानी - (कविता)

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

सहम गए है इस मंज़र में 
जाने कितना खौफ है 

थम गए है सारे रस्ते 
हमारा क्या दोष है 

कहानी जीवन की क्या में बताऊ तुमको 
केवल संगर्ष के ही बादल है

कभी कभी समज ही नहीं पाता 
इस जीवन की क्या परिभाषा है 

सपने देखना कबका छोड़ चूका हु मै 
बस इस जीवन की नौका पार लगानी है 

दो वक़्त की रोटी मिल जाए 
बस एहि हमारी कहानी है 

एहि हमारी कहानी है 
इस गरीब की जुबानी है     

अक्षय गुप्ता 

Tags: Hindi, कवितागरीब की जुबानी 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Two traits of life - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)


Did you call me?
I guess you not!

taking decisions inwardly
did you surmise?

never stake yourself onto it, 
I deemed, you will fall steep

thou rendering grief 
never rely on this merely deep

you will sigh with melancholy
creating feelings with no read

genius employ me, made history
Scoop me, I pave you high

tie me up incessantly
like requisite

I, The Mind

 ~~~ Flip ~~~`

The psyche you own and
your vehemence is all because of me

mellowing lives, creating vibes
how you forget all this?

making apron string
you are zilch without me

thirst of knowledge ensure
only and only with my sensing

don't twirl down, I placate 
I compose conscience 

hearken me
you find yourself,: The inner me"

I, Your Heart

So, you see

"The two traits of life

one is our genius mind and other is our heart"the lifeline"
So, who is more important to you?
define me!

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, The Two Traits

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Final Invitation - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

If I have time I summarised it all
more to say, more to listen
but nothing is concluding me right now
as my final invitation is at my door

some greetings are undone
some words unspoken
some memories are still to be gain
but what to do as my life surrenders

many deeds reembrace me
and for some, I remorse
yesterday I was like a brainy king
but I today my all facts gone unknown

destiny has shown me many pros and cons
regardless approbating moments
I always want more and more
but this time. I adore all the blessings that they have poured

my stale eyes searching for some surprises
I want my loved ones to sit by my side
give me hope in disguise
as my final invitation arrives

Bye Bye!

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, The Final Invitation

Monday, May 18, 2020

A Silence - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

I came from within,
not from the seashore
 lives, where there is no grudge
and meditation is my main source
calmness maybe my adjective or the dictionary meaning
but that is my only part
 I am vast like a universe,
deep like an ocean 
reflecting inner comeliness,
breath me within 
gasping stillness in one's mind
I may be easy at one instant
but capturing me
need dedication, then,
I will make you rich
your soul will be mine,
enriching your mind with all my believes 
regardless of what circumstances are
I am Silence
you will feel my power
when I amble,
everything became standstill in no time
seize me 
I welcome you dear
let's see
who owns me.

Akshay Gupta

Tags:  English, Poem, A Silence

Saturday, May 9, 2020

For a Change - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

For a change be optimistic and hopeful
for a change be polite and well-bred
for a change treat others with courtesy
for a change listen to people what they think about you
for a change start abiding rules
for a change think out of the box
for a change grow your inner passion
for a change let meets new people
for a change devote yourself to your dear ones
for a change embrace non-violence way
for a change make yourself veracious like a mirror 
for a change be respectful to all and sundry
for a change be practical in life
for a change use your skills to its potential
for a change be generous and humble
for a change be open-minded and liberal
for a change do something remarkable
for a change, change your personality and lifestyle
for a change remembrance pleasing old memories 
for a change be grateful what you have
for a change be someone's shield
for a change prepared yourself inwardly for any trying times
for a change define your ability and strength
for a change pursue your imagination
for a change start meditating and arouse your soul
for a change be obliged to your procreators
for a change, don't give up in any circumstances
for a change start worshipping your inner soul
for a change become a bighearted person and forgive others
for a change be someone's helping hand 
for a change cry out loud and revive yourself
for a change enhance your knowledge
for a change contemplate yourself
for a change be stubborn to your goals
for a change make others on cloud nine
for a change be idiomatic 
for a change make someone smile
for a change love someone unconditionally
for a change be crazy and humourous as ef
for a change, change yourself
for a change stop imitating others and be YOU

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, For a Change, Motivation, Inspirational

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Thank You Corona Warriors - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

When the dark cloud came around,
you are only one who set out as combatants in the pandemic battleground.
leaving your family behind for unknown days,
you fought for us every minute, we propound.

Contending every effort to ameliorate the current situation,
you people came as an angel of God,
working round the clock without having quality sleep,
you are highly esteemed by the whole nation, we applaud.

Thank You - Doctors, Nurses, and other hospital staff.
Thank You!!!

A kind gesture and feeling of gratitude to those
who cleaned and disinfected our society from time to time.
risking life to make our clean city, without any doubt,
you made our city, a truly sublime.

Lots of respect to all our Cleaners/Sweepers
Thank you so very much!!!

Didn't taken even a single day off,
standing all day long, tackling every situation in this hot torrid sun.
we the people of nation heartily regard to all our warriors
for safeguarding us in this epidemic situation.

A Million Thanks & Salute to all our police officers.

Hats off to all the people of media station,
who continued to give an unerring report,
you updated us with every ongoing prevailing situation, unless
we couldn't have prepared ourselves, it's all because of your continued support.

Thanks to all our media staff & reporters.

Stay Home Stay Safe

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Thank you, Corona Warriors, Coronavirus

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Be Versatile - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

Don't fall in-depth of any
or indulge in any sort.
we don't carry a grudge
Or spoken lie
raised voice only when imperative,
we ensure.
The truth is discernible 
eventually, come for sure,
Than why insecure?
 Live for this instant you will sense
and be adaptable no matter what.
Essence will be felt,
Go as it laying the path 
and I am sure,
You will overcome and
feel a sigh of relief at your door.
The rising tale has every situation faced
and see, everything they have made
Why not you?
come and grow 
with thoughtfulness
and you will be versatile.
I assure

Akshay Gupta
Tags: English, Poem, Be Versatile, Versatility

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Happy Mother 's Day - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

The personality trait you own is indescribable Mom,
everything you do is absolutely flawless
you balanced things with so much ease and patience
sometimes I wonder how you manage it all

you satiate us every day with your luscious cuisine
by laving our attire, you always keep our wardrobe neat and clean
you look after everyone's need in such a prompt manner
we cannot repay in our entire life which we owe from you, mother

the unconditional love you poured on us is just priceless
and how well you nurtured us, we cant express
the life lessons taught by you, we will abide it throughout our life
and you will be proud of us one day, I assure you, my life~line

you never ever complain, whenever I ask you questions in repeat
every time you happily explained everything indeed
so beautifully you have flourished the pathway of my life 
since God cannot be everywhere so they have created mother divine

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Mother, Poem, Happy Mother's Day

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Friends Forever - Poem ( Children )

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

Back and forth in time,
You are the one who reads my mind.
U say nothing but it was only you,
Who always makes me smile.

Sometimes when you stare,
I understand something is coming.
you fight with me so much but
you know what, you are only one for me.

U bet me always into something,
and loses all the way
but giving extra chance to me,
you made my day.

When you are engaged in the coloring,
I eat your all your food before lunchtime
and then u make your funny face,
I can't stop laughing sometimes.

you are my best friend,
I shout out loud,
now I think you giving me a treat,
and make me proud.

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Children, Poem, Friends Forever, Best Friend, Kid

Go Corona- Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

You may have separated us physically 
but we have integrated ourselves by our decisive mind.
We emerge out to be immensely strong,
like a blessing in disguise in this course of time.

we have aroused the power of humanity and 
every person had become each other's helping hand,
by eliminating every irrational thing from this place,
hence for together, we stand.

we had remarkably grown our ability to counteract 
and unquestionably will not make your way in,
we are consuming only healthy meals and doing frequent hand wash,
we have grown our immunity and hygiene to the utmost, so you cant live in.

at this very time, we are spending every minute,
with our loved ones and we have prioritized our time,
otherwise, we made us so busy in our work life,
wherefore we have forgotten how to live quality time.

nature has become greener and the air got purified,
water got cleansed and eliminated many unfortunate times,
given us the great lesson to rethink human trails,
that we are doing to our mother earth for a very long time.

you will be disappearing soon for forever,
this is what our determination speaks
and we will grow more prosperous,

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Go Corona, Covid-19, Coronavirus

Friday, May 1, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

The day you came here, everything got so messed,
I literally not able to go outside, oh god I miss my friend every minute.

they all are saying you are in quarantine,
just tell me "you hidden monster", my life is yours OR mine

I miss all my favorite snacks
but do you know how long it was, I haven't tasted any of that

I have literally grown up my eyes and belly,
watching  Netflix  all day long and eating obsessively.

just tell me with whom I should play, there is no one,
do you know how desperately, I am missing my school days fun?

you have given so much pain and fear to every person living on this Earth
and I swear you will be vanishing soon as you have taken everybody curse.

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Corona, Covid-19, Coronavirus