Monday, May 18, 2020

A Silence - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

I came from within,
not from the seashore
 lives, where there is no grudge
and meditation is my main source
calmness maybe my adjective or the dictionary meaning
but that is my only part
 I am vast like a universe,
deep like an ocean 
reflecting inner comeliness,
breath me within 
gasping stillness in one's mind
I may be easy at one instant
but capturing me
need dedication, then,
I will make you rich
your soul will be mine,
enriching your mind with all my believes 
regardless of what circumstances are
I am Silence
you will feel my power
when I amble,
everything became standstill in no time
seize me 
I welcome you dear
let's see
who owns me.

Akshay Gupta

Tags:  English, Poem, A Silence

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