You may have separated us physically
but we have integrated ourselves by our decisive mind.
We emerge out to be immensely strong,
like a blessing in disguise in this course of time.
we have aroused the power of humanity and
every person had become each other's helping hand,
by eliminating every irrational thing from this place,
hence for together, we stand.
we had remarkably grown our ability to counteract
and unquestionably will not make your way in,
we are consuming only healthy meals and doing frequent hand wash,
we have grown our immunity and hygiene to the utmost, so you cant live in.
at this very time, we are spending every minute,
with our loved ones and we have prioritized our time,
otherwise, we made us so busy in our work life,
wherefore we have forgotten how to live quality time.
nature has become greener and the air got purified,
water got cleansed and eliminated many unfortunate times,
given us the great lesson to rethink human trails,
that we are doing to our mother earth for a very long time.
you will be disappearing soon for forever,
this is what our determination speaks
and we will grow more prosperous,
Akshay Gupta
Tags: English, Poem, Go Corona, Covid-19, Coronavirus
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