Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Thank You Corona Warriors - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

When the dark cloud came around,
you are only one who set out as combatants in the pandemic battleground.
leaving your family behind for unknown days,
you fought for us every minute, we propound.

Contending every effort to ameliorate the current situation,
you people came as an angel of God,
working round the clock without having quality sleep,
you are highly esteemed by the whole nation, we applaud.

Thank You - Doctors, Nurses, and other hospital staff.
Thank You!!!

A kind gesture and feeling of gratitude to those
who cleaned and disinfected our society from time to time.
risking life to make our clean city, without any doubt,
you made our city, a truly sublime.

Lots of respect to all our Cleaners/Sweepers
Thank you so very much!!!

Didn't taken even a single day off,
standing all day long, tackling every situation in this hot torrid sun.
we the people of nation heartily regard to all our warriors
for safeguarding us in this epidemic situation.

A Million Thanks & Salute to all our police officers.

Hats off to all the people of media station,
who continued to give an unerring report,
you updated us with every ongoing prevailing situation, unless
we couldn't have prepared ourselves, it's all because of your continued support.

Thanks to all our media staff & reporters.

Stay Home Stay Safe

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Thank you, Corona Warriors, Coronavirus


  1. Thanks a lot to corona warriors ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
    And really amazing ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Really a heart touching poem.
