Saturday, May 9, 2020

For a Change - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

For a change be optimistic and hopeful
for a change be polite and well-bred
for a change treat others with courtesy
for a change listen to people what they think about you
for a change start abiding rules
for a change think out of the box
for a change grow your inner passion
for a change let meets new people
for a change devote yourself to your dear ones
for a change embrace non-violence way
for a change make yourself veracious like a mirror 
for a change be respectful to all and sundry
for a change be practical in life
for a change use your skills to its potential
for a change be generous and humble
for a change be open-minded and liberal
for a change do something remarkable
for a change, change your personality and lifestyle
for a change remembrance pleasing old memories 
for a change be grateful what you have
for a change be someone's shield
for a change prepared yourself inwardly for any trying times
for a change define your ability and strength
for a change pursue your imagination
for a change start meditating and arouse your soul
for a change be obliged to your procreators
for a change, don't give up in any circumstances
for a change start worshipping your inner soul
for a change become a bighearted person and forgive others
for a change be someone's helping hand 
for a change cry out loud and revive yourself
for a change enhance your knowledge
for a change contemplate yourself
for a change be stubborn to your goals
for a change make others on cloud nine
for a change be idiomatic 
for a change make someone smile
for a change love someone unconditionally
for a change be crazy and humourous as ef
for a change, change yourself
for a change stop imitating others and be YOU

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, For a Change, Motivation, Inspirational

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