Thursday, April 30, 2020

Younger Brother Birthday - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

rother like you is a gift of mine
I recall the memory when we were in school time

you make everything out of place 
and your reply is so quick, there is no mistake
cuddling along with mom and me is your favorite place
growing with you is the most amazing thing that happened in my life brother

you engage us all in your endearing words
your saccharine acting that makes us giggle all the time
reiterating your wants but when you see, it's costly you deny
what a whip-smart quality you possess oh dear I can't able to define

No matter who did the mistake, it was me who got scolded all the time
but when I got upset, you are always there to wipe my tears and make me smile
your love and affection for me can't be delineate
but I must tell you, our childhood is not less than tom and jerry, I abbreviate

Riding bike, playing outside and both studying all night
what-what memories should I recall
they are not memories, they are reminiscence of a blissful moment
bring rejoice to my heart and feel blessed that you are brother mine

Now you have grown up a bit but for me you still that innocent one
it's your Birthday today and do you want presents some?
always stay the same as you are with your pleasing smile
and keep gleaming eternally like a star in the sky.

Happy Birthday Dear😍

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Younger Brother, Birthday

My Grandfather - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

The day I got your arms, I have become blessed
you have given me so much in life I can't express

because of you, I have made a beautiful thoroughfare of my life
without your support and advice, I won't be able to stand up in my difficult times

your guidance assisted me to lead a life of virtue
and I have been following every lesson that has been taught by you

your philanthropic & selfless nature has motivated us all
seeking the way out of any trouble, you know the best after all.

you are my deify, I say without any doubt
and I will be there for you throughout

but whenever I see you in a debilitated or in infirmity state
I heart goes on I can't even dictate

when you narrate your journey of life
I tend to think that you have handled everything so well and wise

never showed any pain and struggle that you have gone through
you are a source of inspiration and because of you, this family happily grew

sometimes when you try to make me happy and smile in your style
you look so childish and sweet I can't express, that time is so worthwhile

you are the same for me just like a relation between the sun and the earth
which convert the darkness into daylight and making it all worth

If I had superpowers, I would have made you young
and would have taken away all the ailment of yours all at once

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, My Grandfather

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Ocean - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

Not fragmented by anything,
not shriveled but diverse(not by opinions).
stillness(patience) is what I own.
merge with everyone who came across,
carrying underneath a glory being via golden age
Inner comeliness can't be seen with stale eyes,
scintillating aquatic flora & creature is our kindred dwelling in Adam's ale,
propagating from centuries and passing,
acquiring starkness and altruistic by nature,
divaricate with appearance but not by caste.
enticing candid mien by heart.
all and sundry has circumscribed requisite,
nothing is ponied up, everything is a freebie,
no room for emulous and grudge 
prolonging patrimony
So, we are pulchritudinous.

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, The Ocean, Poem, Aquatic

Summary :

The ocean is not divided by anything nor by anyone and does not get smaller(sad) in any harsh condition carrying a variety of lives differ on shapes and size but not by ideas and beliefs. It won't react and get afraid in any situation and stay calm signifying patience and motivating human beings to adopt this quality of persistence. It involves everyone not discrete by anything and hugs everyone who came into its wide opening arm. It's having a beautiful life at the core of its heart, living in peace, prosperity, and in harmony. It has the inner quality to give pleasure to our senses but it will be visible only when you see from your inner eyes. Beautiful and mesmerizing marine plants and aquatic animals that take one eye on breathing with its family in its water city. Its producing new plants, new lives from the decade and it is still going on with no break. It's stating that marine life possesses the quality of being simple and clear and always wishes to help others even if it results in a disadvantage for itself. They may be distinct by visual appearances like face and shapes but not been divided in terms of caste, religion, and class pointing toward human beings. They are interesting and attractive having a unique personality and possess the quality of being truthful from the core of their heart. Every life residing inside the ocean has its limited requirement which is essential for living and there is no sign of greed. Everything is unbound and free of charge at large maintaining their inheritance quality and things as it is and so we are beautiful.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Mr.Carlos ( The Detective ) - Poem

Speaking Bird ( Bolti Chidiya )

After getting acclaimed in every tabloid journal and gaining my position
assailants got active as I am becoming their stumbling block in their system
while arriving back from my active walk I found something at my doorstep
An unaccustomed envelope with a trick with all so messed

I found a letter in quivering handwriting "Save me Mr.Carlos we have only 24 hours left"
I wore my trench coat with my fedora hat tilting toward the left
scramble to my hard-earned desk, while examining that unusual envelope
I found nothing but an infinitesimal letter written in encrypted form appears after doing the alkaline sulfur solution test

driving through the next step, my brother Edelson started the intense web search
the letter "TX 55007" has been found but it does not lead to any address
the location is spied from all over but we haven't shown any of our reaction
a private call rang saying"Close em! you are better but not the best"

Sigh in uneasiness but we are not far away from this quest
I started cogitating every sense until a gentleman greets my hand
but wait, in a second he was shot to death and cops apprehended us
every publisher has the same story that Mr. Carlos is a traitor and nothing left

peeking throughout, I found something suspicious, I espied that face with altered beared
he is the suspect in the case I feel that hunch from his distinct posture
having a mark on his right hand "GOUK", I made a call to Edelson to search that in my computer cell
A "Gang of United Kingdom" operating his major web, somehow I tend to escape to solve this quest

Suspect alarmed their superior, I quickly departed listing out the members of that gang
we had only a few hours left, location traced by our expert security hacker we got something best
pointed gun at my head, that manslayer whispered in my ear "I 'll destroy you" don't forget
unaware of the fact that my brother had already called the police at the spot and arrested those doing criminal affairs

I got to know, its all a trap to get me defamed and not become a hurdle in their upcoming proposed plan
erasing the misconception of people's minds, I got my way back and expect what, there is another letter on my desk.

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Detective, Case, Mr.Carlos

Monday, April 27, 2020

Many Desires - Poem

Speaking Bird ( Bolti Chidiya )

I have many craving desire that I wish to do in my life interval
instantaneously dozed on that bright sunny day with a winsome smile
sitting on my porch with my close eyes 
and assuming all that what I sensationalize

Sipping my coffee with extra sugar oh look what a beautiful bonfire
and everyone wearing so distinct and enticing attire 
dancing offbeat nothing to loose in the sweet shadow of moonlight
there is nothing been similar like other days but I find everything alright
singing duo with no beat enthrall us all in repeat
ranging sky look no far as they came down to greet 
blue ocean glimmering, as sunshine having its own fascinating style
twisting boat upside down and we are yelling loud with an open mind
if I have some superpower I will stock-still this pleasing time 
Sitting on the edge on top of the engrossing cliff
they tend me to warble a melody song with a gazing smile
mind relaxing fresh breeze blowing my hair as if
want me to carry me away in their local divine in alpine
feeling every moment of my life having my leisure time
nothing to worry about anything in this awe-inspiring nature 
cant express that feeling when u lost in the elegant beauty of sublime
want to capture every bit of moment oops! I forget to dine
I want to feel the free fall and stalwart the decision of my bosom friend
skydiving is yes one of my bucket lists he knows very well 
Little anxious doing so but I will not pretend this to anyone
feathering in an unconfined space plunging toward the flourishing landscape
for a moment my mind got numb with a heavy sigh
twirling several times in mid of arena in universal sky
Our bulging ensemble look like a nifty bloated balloon
that admiring precious seconds are bit crazy I assume

Ouch!, I got a tickle in my head that's the bird wakes me from my short rest
Now I have to go to my work again I have to make questions for tomorrow's test

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Many Desires, Poem

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Creators of God - Poem

Speaking Bird ( Bolti Chidiya )

That's me a tiny little seeking head toward the wall
taking food into my shell and but hey I do not crawl 
for instance, you can get me wrong but I tell you
we don't give up until we achieve our target and not afraid of the downfall

Hey, I am the one which can live without food and water for months
don't get surprised actually I store things in my hump
and my toe has a great ability that can walk in the intense torrid blowing sun
some calls a dromedary but if someone makes fun out of me I bump

Come on u cannot fly like me that I do as I have my own feather
we flutter in infinity but to rest, we have our self-build nest an enclosure
however, we have toothless broken jaws and high metabolic pressure
but we are a group of warm-blooded vertebrates and we live our life in leisure

It's not easy to reach near my scope as I reside in brackish water
we are a graceful and sleek swimmer and can reach a speed eighteen miles an hour
blessed with a beautiful life and we get a nap several times to regain our power
to have someone attention, we squeak and whistle in our style and get our love shower

Want to know how much cold weather we live in and survive 
having a unique sound that we pamper and our weight is not more than three pound
some called us speedy swimmer and some called us adorable waddler
everyone admire us from every corner as we are black and white toddler

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Creators of God

That two hands matters - Poem

Speaking Bird ( Bolti Chidiya )

I have two hands, one is right and one is left
both are bright as sunshine and we are blessed
maybe I eat food with one on my left 
but without the support of the right, I cannot do it best

I may greet everyone with my left hand 
but of course, with the help of the second one, I cannot clap
I may write with my active fist but to hold I grasp right hand
both has its order and command coming from thinking cap

We may drive and hold the steering with one 
but others help us to shift gear to move ahead
and just like without the help of both, work is undone
God always blesses us when we hold them both together aforesaid

the one is mine and second is my lifeline
we both coordinate ourself to get it better
both has its equal importance in our life 
that's why everything is running smooth and we thanks to our creator

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, That two hands matters

Sister Birthday - Poem

Speaking Bird ( Bolti Chidiya )

A little angel comes to our family
A dear style our heart smile happily

Lots of presents are on its way
Everybody enjoying because it's your very first birthday

I bought nothing personally I was very small just like you
Because my mom gave me pocket money very few

 Now u r big one with a good personality
Independent one with ur own originality

I know u will give me a big party 
Hey but not in virtual reality😝

I will always wish u that u keep going up and excel
and "birthday girl name" when u r giving me party so that I ring your doorbell

Anyways this is my small and tiny poem to you 
and I hope now u ll give me a BMW in color navy blue

Em I am calling from morning of today
To wish u very Happy Birthday

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Sister Birthday, Simple

Saturday, April 25, 2020

An Imperfect Heist Love - Poem

Speaking Bird ( Bolti Chidiya )

Buzzing sound, clock tickling and handling all my daily stuff
a suit of armor with distracting style walked in 

asked me with please can I talk to miss Stela Howard in a distinct style
having no idea some mishappening is about to happen 
I attend him with reluctantly with a mock smile
all of a sudden we are all named as hostages and some fainted with no caption 

I stand still with shuddering hand with no choice in our mind
but that distinct person came and held my hands want me to calm down (sigh)
he orders everyone and we will be doing work as assigned
for saving our lives we started to perform our task and they began the countdown

gasping for a breath I got badly injured having a wound oh its bleed
armed hand got me in the shoulder and I did not believe that type of reaction
he gauzed me with some medication and told me not to work and get some sleep
he got me something to eat with please which has totally changed my perception

In all that while I have several questions swinging in my mind
in fortunate time I asked him why you do such atrocious things
yes that face is not revealing a good sign and he left me behind
In disillusion, I saw some gleaming thing and maybe it is his engagement ring

stepping downstair with a bruised hand with my mind still
confronting with the girded arsonist in a heave
He approached me in agility as he notices his ring 
he weeps down on knees and I started to wipe his tear and forgotten that he is a thieve

a tragic incident made no justice to him, a feeling of envy provoked
I started feeling different for Steve, that never happened before
I melted into pieces and he needs me that time all that I knew, my heart spoked
the care and protection he gave me I still adore

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, An Imperfect Heist Love

Friday, April 24, 2020

When Earth Silently Chastise - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

A Millennium back a molecule formed
life came into Gaea(Mother Earth) breathing harmoniously
Nothing is happening except love blows with intensity
all shrubs and trees are dancing in healthy air
Eternality got its pace and running with grace
no border dividing its space and equalization has its own elucidation
and origin has its own specialty amplifying its originality
that time no brainy and there is no storm that causes mother earth to deform

the luminous flaring all over the verdant body
dainty fledging across the sprout whistling quietly
magnificent alpine glows with no demarcation
and seven seas have their own sovereignty
waving high with no fracas human watercrafts
cloud showering blessing in the aroma petals
arachnid scuttling in foliole making structures
voluptuousness cant be conveyed

leaping into the world of the mighty god
listing of his aesthetic creation with no alteration
that has so much to feel so much to say to this anonymous gesture
the promised land has gifting everything that is needed to live life
ages gone years trolled and the ball keeps rolling on
personal habitat started to get formed cave
some mammalian are their bread and some became their slave

escalation got its peak and their minds releasing roots
longing for more is now what they want carefree
now sky gasping fuel with filthy air with dyspneic
sweeping woodland into the unappealing one
now Earth silently chastise in the face of climate change
Tsunami, Earthquake, Flood, and Cyclone came as its course of action
unable to sense what we have extract and owed from our orb
we have to reimburse that all and everything will be copacetic for sure.

Akshay Gupta

Tags: When Earth Silently Chastise, English, Poem, Earth 

A Wraith Story - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

A valorous fellow lived in the town of Hazethorn
that atheist addicted watching movies of paranormal.
One dire day we played the truth & dare game thereon,
something was coming homicide that never occurred.

Expect what, the carafe twirl toward his frown face,
accepting dare was his big colossal mistake.
at midnight he went to an unknown dark site covered with a gigantic woods,
and the challenge is to a watch intense haunted motion picture with no break.

A sudden glimpse of Solihoutte pondered him,
misty vision in unearthly place a screeching buzz in;
coinciding immaterial things into reality.
had petrified him that had never happened before,
it's an eerie place and possession has lay hold of his soul.

and everything got bedeviled in no time, (sighed)
A twitch occurred in his mortal part.
His comrade came huffing and puffing; (panting)
began to exorcise him to get out of it and,
a great jerk made him comatose.

After slow-wave sleep, he is being roused,
and thereupon all of them embraced him tightly.
He took an Oath in solemn to never do such feat,
and a bruise has popped in his anxious face.

He turned into theism and metamorphosis is here,
Now he will never be doing effrontery behaviors ever.
and that other-worldly seized with the heightened fence,
and if anybody defies to that zone will be held for an offense.

Thenceforth "The Richard Cole" acclaimed on the whole premises,
and he reiterates haughtily to all, his unending heroic tale.
seated on acme as a great notability,
and his article published in high rates scale.

Akshay Gupta

Tags: A Wraith Story, English, Poem, Horror

Thursday, April 23, 2020

अगर सब एक समान हो जाए - ( कविता )

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

एक दिन यूही बैठे हुए मन में कुछ सवाल आये 
कितना अच्छा हो अगर सब एक समान हो जाए 

ना गिला ना शिखवा सारे भेद भाव मिट जाए
जैसे विद्यालय में एक समान विद्यार्थी हो जाए

ना उच्च ना नीच ये भावना कही ना रहे
सब एक दूसरे का सम्मान करने लग जाए
कितना अच्छा हो अगर सब एक समान हो जाए 

गरीबी का इस जहा से नामोनिशान मिट जाए 

और अमीरो का घमंड टूट कर चकनाचूर होजाये 

ना कोई किसी का शोषण करे ना ही किसीको को सताये 
तब सब समाज के जन कितना क्रितार्थ हो जाए 
कितना अच्छा हो अगर सब एक समान हो जाए 

ना ही कोई भूखा रहे ना ही कोई चोरी का विचार किसीके के मन में आए 
सब जगह हो सुख का मौसम हर जगह से बुराई मिट जाए 

दिल में दबि आकांशाओ को पुरे करे सब, सबकी प्रतिभा उभर के आये 
सब पड़ लिख कर इस समाज को कितना शिक्षित और विकसित बनाये 
कितना अच्छा हो अगर सब एक समान हो जाए 

कितना अच्छा हो हम सब उपर वाले का अंश है ये बात सबको समज आ जाए 
हर जगह हरियाली ही हरियाली हो फिर पतझर का मौसम कभी ना आए 

ना हो किसीकी शान ना हो किसी को अभिमान 
ना ही ले कोई किसिका का इम्तिहान 

ना ईर्षा ना दुएष सभी तरह के दोष मिट जाए 
सबके हिर्दय में एक विनर्म और आत्मीयता की भावना जाग्रित हो जाए 
कितना अच्छा हो अगर सब एक समान हो जाए 

सबके ऊपर छत हो सबके ऊपर रहे रब की छाया 
सब एक दूसरे का सहारा बने ऐसी हो प्रभु की माया 

आओ ये एक छोटी सी मन की आशाओ को सब जन तक पहुंचाए 
इन विचारो के साथ सबके मन में एक दीप जलाये 
फिर कितना अच्छा हो ना अगर सब एक समान हो जाए |

अक्षय गुप्ता 

Tags: अगर सब एक समान हो जाए , कविता , Hindi

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

My Result Day - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

My schoolmate Nataliya knock the door
she went inside and we play loud in the chorus
and somebody ring the doorbell oh that's my school Ma'am, Ms. Jennie Hall
she came here to announce my report card scores

Nobody catches me so I hid behind the door in the dark
my dad laugh out loud and I think everything is alright
I went in front and I see my report card has a C Mark
I cried a lot and want to go out of their sight

My mom came and said, wake up Simon it's 8 o'clock in the morning
your school bus is about to come you have to be ready soon
hash its a nightmare then I woke up with a blink
I smiled and sung my nursery rhyme in tune

As soon as I opened my window, a driblet fell in my hand
It was a rainy day with a thunder of cloud just upright
and my friend anna has missed her hairband
and sound struck in our ears we hold our hand tight

I am always waiting for my play period in the school
early morning period is so boring and sleepy 
in between, we play finger games and they are so cool
outside some birds chirp softly but some of them are so squeaky

but today is my result day and its a different one
no games nothing to play 
but my friend has got something which is so yum
after having it all and just after that hey

suddenly a burp sound came and he is not my friend anymore
I ran into my desk and slipped, oops my head got hurt
I didn't know that there is so much water on the floor
my uniform got all wet with so much dirt

my Ma'am dialed my mommy number 1234
my head gets a new white band
she came here so fast and fast and therefore
I went home, drank my favorite chocolate shake and

I got my new score oh yea its A mark in my report card
now I am going to play with my soccer ball in the backyard


Akshay Gupta

Tags: My Result Day, Kid, Poem, English 

The Rising Star - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

When our heart is full of alacrity 
and thoughts are lucid and precise.
When we step out with great generosity,
every face will look alike.

When we prance toward leading way with our head sky-high,
No encumbrance will ever stop you in your thoroughfare.
clench every opportunity along with assiduous,
march with dauntlessness expatiate with assurance.
upsurge your knowledge, until it stretches to infinity,
merge your stream into the immeasurable limitless ocean.
cultivate your action into perfection until regarded,
will tend to meet our mighty god when the truth is only our source.
Don't fitter your peerless thoughts,

You will have an inkling of something wonderful,
a sigh of relief will be your side and you will build your worth to its eternity.
But make sure that your inner soul always seek peace and grace your walk,
You will have everything endear.

We can create history in the coming years
Gracias! Gracias! Gracias!

Akshay Gupta

Tags: The Rising Stars, Motivation, English, Poem

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Seeking Life - Poem

speaking bird (bolti chidiya)

Evocating off and on
On a day agape my misty eyes resting on

all and sundry jubilating like a blooming flower
doing poseur is my favorite addiction in my happy hour

my only source of self-indulgent is playing & watching cartoons with my companion
talking senseless all day long
but that time is totally worth for me in my opinion

as I grow, reaction changes attention transition
we able to know things Lil better than Aforetime definition

the things I previously adore is now not that important to me anymore
I love reading many erudite books but I also learned many things in the form of lore

As life tracking on one-day I met an angelic girl and I started liking her on and on
Her eyes are alluring with a sweet charming smile and her hair are pretty long

I fall head over heels for that girl and I proposed her one fine day
I about to care her every moment and wow today is valentine day 

A bunch of red roses and presents are full of love 
a fondness is in the air the mind gone swing
she shied so many times the feeling is above
my life is totally changed and its the season of spring

Years have gone and now everything has changed 
some feelings have stolen apart
the season has its order
and I sincerely don't know how to restart 

Something never has its round way back and we have moved on 
and our lovely friends went to various places alone

Now I became a sophisticated person and trying to be an optimistic
now I live every moment yes I have my new bucket list

Now I turned to 25, will continue it writing after my experience
I tried to relate my happiness and sorrow with my audience

See you soon.......

Akshay Gupta

Tags: Seeking Life, Poem, English

Sunday, April 19, 2020

A Mysterious City of Sublime - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

coming to the story back in time
there was a mysterious thing happening in the city of sublime

these stories creating agitation in peoples mind
one and another day people are disappearing consecutively inline

Every mind searching their own thoughts but they all are mystifying
A curious man came with his heavy heart and tried to find some sign

some believe that it may be a spirit or some wandering soul
but some highbrow says that it may be a work of some prisoners released upon parole

one night again a screaming voice heard and all are shivering in fear
everyone came out and gathered out of their home in peer

an eye has found a suspicious thing at the dark side of forest area
walking steady and unable to think where is he going they have no idea

all of a sudden that nameless person disappeared some believing its maybe an evil ghost
the situation is becoming horrifying and terrifying to its most

time runs at its pace but still, no evidence has been traced
and for the investigation team, this became a typical case

one man impetuously started digging near the graveyard in the dark
patrol cars arrived on the spot and the man got seized by an armed guard

later his finding reveals that he is just helping to solve this mystery
He has collected some evidence that can be helpful after scrutiny

Now they are stepping up into hollow space but a sound came oh my god it's so horrifying
a group has been tied up having wounds all over their body and they in are in a state of dying

A mystery has yet been unsolved and we are unable to make everything alright
A man turned into a psychopath out of the blue in one moment gone out of sight

The curious man is a lunatic person who has mood swings and cops try to find in every corner
after getting caught he told that I have taken my revenge for my father's murderer

Now everyone heaves a sigh of relief and my poetry cum story is about to end
Thanks to every person who read this unusual poetry which has so much suspense blend

Akshay Gupta

Tags: A Mysterious City of Sublime, English, Poem, Mystery, Suspense

Saturday, April 18, 2020

The day I found myself - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

Yes, I found myself

When the world becomes smaller for me and I discover my inner beauty
keeping our mind soul and heart happy yes it's my first duty

the time I took for myself its the best thing I have ever done
some mistakes maybe there but lots of things I have learned

past days are very tough and unhealthy as they are not filled with compassion
I worked hard at every end but something is missing inside me still not happen

During my quarantine days, I calculated myself exploring that what makes me smile
hey u sleepy one wake up darling u have to do something phenomenal at this time

I started writing blog yes my fav one is poetry making
and see the magic everyone motivating me and start liking

whatever it takes to give all your efforts nothing is better than your passion
the world will honor and proud of your action in all session

Although it will take some time to reach your aimed destination
but one day everybody will be proud of you when you are in sensation

never the less never the more I landed on this beautiful shore
I will explore to do decor on my poetry floor and will stay indoor

Before I end this poetry I thank you all for so much blessing you pour
and will keep you updated with my new poetry so that you will not get bore

Akshay Gupta

Tags: The day I found myself, English, Poem, Motivation, Inspiration 

The One Day (A girl Alice Story) - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

Hello Mr. Peter How are you?
Wow you are wearing clothes brand new

Thanks, Ms. Parker I am very fine
I have to leave now to take my class on time

the school bells ring trinn trinn
now pay attention all you offspring

Hey Alice come here to explain what I teach you yesterday
Oops she forgets to explain and scared what to say

Blue board looks like an empty stage
and mam staring at my face in a daze

those smiling faces are looking like a monkey
oh my god look at them so wanky

I got angry and started to cry 
not talking to anybody and my friends came hello hi

Alice, you are the best and prove what you got
next day I stand up and explain every dot

Now mam hug me with, please 
hey audience oh common say cheese

I came home and mommy gives my favorite cupcakes
I can't tell you my loved ones how delicious she makes

u can also have it don't be shy anymore
hey but don't take it more than four

Oh look that face looking like a Barney Rubble
everyone laughing and eating double triple

that day is my special one
I tell you don't ever leave your loved one

Thank you all for giving me your precious time
and now I am going to drink my fruit lime 


Akshay Gupta

Tags: The One Day, Kid Poem, English

Friday, April 17, 2020

THE MARTYRS (A Tribute to our Soldiers) - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

Jai Hind ~ Salute

In the shadow of twilight, a stridulous roar came
attire abrasion full of red dribbled onto the Country's soil wame. ~ sigh

 A Molotov cocktail explodes like a volcano eruption,
Our valiant fighter comes on the ground starts enfilade like an expulsion.

With a bespeak of an honored major agreeing,
Shot down myriad what a battle they played;
cessation has been started by our cadet our divine being,
safekeeping our beloved INDIA outwardly beyond their self-aid.

the audacity they possess can't be apprised,
showing our eternal gratitude for their being the best allies.

stouthearted Martyrs fought until the dawn,
They conquered the battle and they bless us all unknown.

They win glory on the field of battle,
flowering the nation like a rose petal.

We the Nation people greet you all,
this is a tribute to our warrior we recall.

Jai Hind ~ Salute

Akshay Gupta

Tags - English, Poem, Martyrs, Jai Hind, Soldiers, India

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

समय गया तो सावन बीता - ( कविता )

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

समय गया तो सावन बीता मौसम पतझर का आया है 
टूट के गिरना फिर खिलना सृष्टि ने हमको ये समझाया है

आकांशाओ की पेटी लेकर  फिर से एक दीप जलाना  है
सबको सुरक्षित रख कर घर में एक नया इतिहास रचाना है  

टूट चूका है धर्ये जिनका आओ उनका हौसला बढ़ाते जाए 
मिलकर इस मुश्किल घडी में हम एक दूसरे का सहारा बन जाए 

अंधेरे के बाद एक प्रकाश उजाला कर आता है 
यु ही नहीं बिना पिग्ले सोना बन जाता है 

समय गया तो सावन बीता मौसम पतझर का आया है 
टूट के गिरना फिर खिलना सृष्टि ने हमको ये समझाया है

साथ लड़ेंगे साथ उठेंगे हमको अब जीत जाना है 
गिर के संभालना फिर चलना एहि तो हम्हे बचन में सिखाया है 

पंखो में उड़ान भरके छु लेंगे आसमानो को 
रंग बिरंगे गुलज़ारो में खिलखिलायेंगे भवरे फिरसे 
नहीं रोक सकते काटो में खिलने से गुलाब को 
सुनाएंगी एक नयी अध्भुत कहानी दिल से 
समय गया तो सावन बीता मौसम पतझर का आया है 
टूट के गिरना फिर खिलना सृष्टि ने हमको ये समझाया है

अक्षय  गुप्ता 

Tags: Hindi , कविता , समय गया तो सावन बीता 

Friday, April 10, 2020


Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

Incredulous inklike arena a celestial sphere
Jillion of glistening stars perorate veracity

land of Nod with nay elucidation 
erudite discovering newfangled stories

scintillating Sol replying vitality piqued
encompassed with plethora tidings

healing leafs one by one in course
arousing provocation in populace

Our diefication is comprehending brains
let's fecilitate them 

Thank you ! Thank You ! Thank You !

Akshay Gupta

Tags: Poem, Above Gravity

Thursday, April 9, 2020


Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)










Tags: Poem, Mother Earth, English