Saturday, April 25, 2020

An Imperfect Heist Love - Poem

Speaking Bird ( Bolti Chidiya )

Buzzing sound, clock tickling and handling all my daily stuff
a suit of armor with distracting style walked in 

asked me with please can I talk to miss Stela Howard in a distinct style
having no idea some mishappening is about to happen 
I attend him with reluctantly with a mock smile
all of a sudden we are all named as hostages and some fainted with no caption 

I stand still with shuddering hand with no choice in our mind
but that distinct person came and held my hands want me to calm down (sigh)
he orders everyone and we will be doing work as assigned
for saving our lives we started to perform our task and they began the countdown

gasping for a breath I got badly injured having a wound oh its bleed
armed hand got me in the shoulder and I did not believe that type of reaction
he gauzed me with some medication and told me not to work and get some sleep
he got me something to eat with please which has totally changed my perception

In all that while I have several questions swinging in my mind
in fortunate time I asked him why you do such atrocious things
yes that face is not revealing a good sign and he left me behind
In disillusion, I saw some gleaming thing and maybe it is his engagement ring

stepping downstair with a bruised hand with my mind still
confronting with the girded arsonist in a heave
He approached me in agility as he notices his ring 
he weeps down on knees and I started to wipe his tear and forgotten that he is a thieve

a tragic incident made no justice to him, a feeling of envy provoked
I started feeling different for Steve, that never happened before
I melted into pieces and he needs me that time all that I knew, my heart spoked
the care and protection he gave me I still adore

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, An Imperfect Heist Love