Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Mr.Carlos ( The Detective ) - Poem

Speaking Bird ( Bolti Chidiya )

After getting acclaimed in every tabloid journal and gaining my position
assailants got active as I am becoming their stumbling block in their system
while arriving back from my active walk I found something at my doorstep
An unaccustomed envelope with a trick with all so messed

I found a letter in quivering handwriting "Save me Mr.Carlos we have only 24 hours left"
I wore my trench coat with my fedora hat tilting toward the left
scramble to my hard-earned desk, while examining that unusual envelope
I found nothing but an infinitesimal letter written in encrypted form appears after doing the alkaline sulfur solution test

driving through the next step, my brother Edelson started the intense web search
the letter "TX 55007" has been found but it does not lead to any address
the location is spied from all over but we haven't shown any of our reaction
a private call rang saying"Close em! you are better but not the best"

Sigh in uneasiness but we are not far away from this quest
I started cogitating every sense until a gentleman greets my hand
but wait, in a second he was shot to death and cops apprehended us
every publisher has the same story that Mr. Carlos is a traitor and nothing left

peeking throughout, I found something suspicious, I espied that face with altered beared
he is the suspect in the case I feel that hunch from his distinct posture
having a mark on his right hand "GOUK", I made a call to Edelson to search that in my computer cell
A "Gang of United Kingdom" operating his major web, somehow I tend to escape to solve this quest

Suspect alarmed their superior, I quickly departed listing out the members of that gang
we had only a few hours left, location traced by our expert security hacker we got something best
pointed gun at my head, that manslayer whispered in my ear "I 'll destroy you" don't forget
unaware of the fact that my brother had already called the police at the spot and arrested those doing criminal affairs

I got to know, its all a trap to get me defamed and not become a hurdle in their upcoming proposed plan
erasing the misconception of people's minds, I got my way back and expect what, there is another letter on my desk.

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Detective, Case, Mr.Carlos

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