Thursday, April 30, 2020

My Grandfather - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

The day I got your arms, I have become blessed
you have given me so much in life I can't express

because of you, I have made a beautiful thoroughfare of my life
without your support and advice, I won't be able to stand up in my difficult times

your guidance assisted me to lead a life of virtue
and I have been following every lesson that has been taught by you

your philanthropic & selfless nature has motivated us all
seeking the way out of any trouble, you know the best after all.

you are my deify, I say without any doubt
and I will be there for you throughout

but whenever I see you in a debilitated or in infirmity state
I heart goes on I can't even dictate

when you narrate your journey of life
I tend to think that you have handled everything so well and wise

never showed any pain and struggle that you have gone through
you are a source of inspiration and because of you, this family happily grew

sometimes when you try to make me happy and smile in your style
you look so childish and sweet I can't express, that time is so worthwhile

you are the same for me just like a relation between the sun and the earth
which convert the darkness into daylight and making it all worth

If I had superpowers, I would have made you young
and would have taken away all the ailment of yours all at once

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, My Grandfather