I have two hands, one is right and one is left
both are bright as sunshine and we are blessed
maybe I eat food with one on my left
but without the support of the right, I cannot do it best
I may greet everyone with my left hand
but of course, with the help of the second one, I cannot clap
I may write with my active fist but to hold I grasp right hand
both has its order and command coming from thinking cap
We may drive and hold the steering with one
but others help us to shift gear to move ahead
and just like without the help of both, work is undone
God always blesses us when we hold them both together aforesaid
the one is mine and second is my lifeline
we both coordinate ourself to get it better
both has its equal importance in our life
that's why everything is running smooth and we thanks to our creator
Akshay Gupta
Tags: English, Poem, That two hands matters
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