Saturday, August 8, 2020

An Oceanic Serene - Poem

Submerging and thriving by all my sundry rivers and valleys

I engulfed their essence into my deep blimming serene

Accueil them with full of sheer contentment 

you know;

they are my perennial family in mellifluous marine 

these streams had cascaded and overcame uncompromising distinct pebble patterns

before immersing their proportions into mine

had crossed many onerous coarse slopes

and contributed some of its parts to arouse arid land into misty shines
twirling, twisting all through its struggling session in props.

they had come down to feel "the ever tranquil fame"

enthralling onlookers just plunge down themselves incontinently

into this self-proclaimed nature's frame

I tend to propagate minds in satiety

so everyone briefs down me as "An Oceanic Serene"

I bestow myself benevolently to my deity

for gracing me this continual irene

Akshay Gupta

Tags: Poem, English, Ocean, Water, Waterbody

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