The time "BINOD 👀" identity splashed
I freaked out loud and quickly looked into my trash
What the heck!
this gentleman appearing everywhere without any reason he actually has
after probing research in deep with Dr.Saluke, we only found that this dude is a prash
he was just getting wasted himself again and again in season three of grand theft
and getting no-kill in PubG and every time went out of the game in no time by only punch bash
his life become nothing, so he started doing gross things in everyone's address in brash
he did not carry any adhaar card as everybody peeping him in their comment's scrap
sometimes he spoke alien languages like "dpvnrhvuduvjbffhd", yes like that
don't judge him, he might have contacted Jaadu by his unnatural act
beware and aware and if you track any more crap about him
then do comment and leaves your valuable feedback
but don't forget to write with "Binod Hashtag#"(because nowadays it is one and only "the viral swag")
Akshay Gupta
Tags: English, Binod, Who is Binod?, Viral Binod, #Binod