Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Oh! My Lord Krishna - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

Oh! "My Lord Krishna"

We devote our whole life in your lotus feet
you gave us everything, what we really need
by just enchanting your holy divine name 
we feel the consciousness of an enviable eternal peace

Oh! "My Lord Krishna"

we feel the essence of your sacred presence
when your soul-soothing melodious flute is being showered on us 
we have enthralled down all your valuable life lessons 
of ethereal "Holy Bhagwat Geeta" word by word

Oh! "My Lord Krishna

we are always been protected in your divine grace
an inside inspiration comes instinctively by your mercy embrace
we praise and bow our head to our omnipresent diety
Oh! Lord, we will be blessed, if you grant us your sui generic seraphic visage.

Akshay Gupta

Tags: Poem, English, Oh! My Lord Krishna, God, Krishna

Monday, August 10, 2020

Sonu Sood (The Real Hero of our Century) - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

I couldn't able to find such great words that can describe you while I penned down this poetry
the efforts you have done for impecunious people, very few one's own this inner beauty
once again it's been proved that angel's of god still exist on this mother earth
you had built an uncomparable image and worth through your altruistic work

when some capable people hiding in their internal wall's
you came live in the field of pandemic battleground without worrying about your life's risk
you had aroused a ray of hope in people's mind and soul
by attending and answering their countless messages and calls in brisk

there are the leaders that we heard and read out in our history books
but we can only see them in our mere dreams
we must have done some good fortunes sometime before
that's why we able to see such an incredible human being

what we will list down about your stupendous work!
you are doing every possible thing without worrying your hard-earned money
uplifted innumerable drowning lives in every possible way like a savior
you had got written your name in golden letters in future books of history

"an one-man army"
"the brother of the nation"
a superhero came into our very life
we pray from the bottom of our heart that
God will always grace you with good health and wealth and make you rise
your great novel work of humanity inspired us alot
and we too shall promise you that we will also become a helping hand for needy ones 
as much as possible in accordance with our pocket size.

"Thank You So Much Sonu Sood Sir"

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, Sonu Sood, Hero

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Who is Binod? - Poem

 Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

The time "BINOD 👀" identity splashed

I freaked out loud and quickly looked into my trash

What the heck!

this gentleman appearing everywhere without any reason he actually has

after probing research in deep with Dr.Saluke, we only found that this dude is a prash

he was just getting wasted himself again and again in season three of grand theft

and getting no-kill in PubG and every time went out of the game in no time by only punch bash

his life become nothing, so he started doing gross things in everyone's address in brash

he did not carry any adhaar card as everybody peeping him in their comment's scrap

sometimes he spoke alien languages like "dpvnrhvuduvjbffhd", yes like that

don't judge him, he might have contacted Jaadu by his unnatural act

beware and aware and if you track any more crap about him

then do comment and leaves your valuable feedback 

but don't forget to write with "Binod Hashtag#"(because nowadays it is one and only "the viral swag")


Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Binod, Who is Binod?, Viral Binod, #Binod

Saturday, August 8, 2020

An Oceanic Serene - Poem

Submerging and thriving by all my sundry rivers and valleys

I engulfed their essence into my deep blimming serene

Accueil them with full of sheer contentment 

you know;

they are my perennial family in mellifluous marine 

these streams had cascaded and overcame uncompromising distinct pebble patterns

before immersing their proportions into mine

had crossed many onerous coarse slopes

and contributed some of its parts to arouse arid land into misty shines
twirling, twisting all through its struggling session in props.

they had come down to feel "the ever tranquil fame"

enthralling onlookers just plunge down themselves incontinently

into this self-proclaimed nature's frame

I tend to propagate minds in satiety

so everyone briefs down me as "An Oceanic Serene"

I bestow myself benevolently to my deity

for gracing me this continual irene

Akshay Gupta

Tags: Poem, English, Ocean, Water, Waterbody

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

An Alien Search - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

The Aliens were perlustrating through this perpetual galactic circle,
     Suddenly, a breedle heard from their system, directing them to an unknown enticing globe
their foo fighter comrade peeps through their binocular eyes to that peripheral
     oh! In a blink, they have found some species are rolling on the floor

their mental acquisitiveness makes them seek this obscure philosophy
     as of being possessing an indigenous character within their inner self 
that assist and guide them to conceal their very identity
     AI gear marked to their senses to some innocuous location by their robotic shell

they all are mystified by the pitched dark enclave with groves all over around 
     tied up under the non-concrete surface in the hue shades of brown
and these creatures just got torned up with these immaterial things and weird sounds
     and are looking for some human species for their fact-finding compounds

pocket flash glimpse onto their extraterrestrial face
     Those peeking homo sapiens got petrified dreadfully in a daze
They look so over shrouded with green dermis with so creechy noticeable limb 
posing their 6 pointed fingers and shimmering blue stale eyes with top glowing antenna string

They instantaneously triggered onto their unco dynamic system
     and disappear like a lighting speed in a flick of second in boundless galaxy system
but haphazardly, some unknown traces are left behind in that particular terrain
     by which our great erudite minds will surely make through to uncover this trail

Akshay Gupta

Tags:- Poem, English, An Alien Search, Alien, External

Monday, August 3, 2020

Nostalgic - Poem

Speaking Bird ( Bolti Chidiya )

Hey, Come here! did you have taken anything from this shelf?
my winsome smile took me at my hiding closet with no anticipated plan
and after getting caught as usual like all other times
I always tend to make her laugh with my comely pleasing smile

those moments of teasing is of my "selfless great pride"
balancing bicycle and life is no so much difficult at that time
singing tone unseasonably makes me flight
those loving moments are so bright and are just perfectly right

craving desire to get surprise gifts is our only world of fancy
leaping on the floor with suitably showing our courtesy so that everyone can able to see
Aditya and Ruby are the only ones who always by my side 
and got me everything reasonably fine
helping me in my every suit, they are like indeed friends of mine

Oh!, I remember
waking me up early has taken place by my 5 minutes in repeat
mom keeps scolding  - oh god what I do with this child "he did not take any heed"
I apprise her, mom don't be so harsh anymore
I count to 3, I win round like ever before

Those fonding memories got me nostalgic at very point of times
want to stick in that life interval, Is growing up really necessary, can you define?
pounding, again and again, I always want to sit underneath in those shielding clouds
magic will surely happen, when you take round inside aloud

Akshay Gupta

Tags:- English, Poem, Nostalgia, Nostalgic