A dazzling smile with a greeting heart,
her welcoming gleaming eyes,
telling my "heart and soul" to submerge.
rejuvenating my every beat and emotions,
like I am in a soothing musical concert.
its felt like if I am in some saccharine alluring world
aah, what a feeling that delight your wholeheartedly soul
and without having any single conversation,
I understand her whole,
when her easy curving lips go up and down
I literally lost myself in her deep pleasing smile
she has that beauty that can attract anyone
for her real scintillating style.
crazy, modish, yet smart like a beauty with a brain.
, yes, I feel fortunate I got her in my arms, and yes
She is mine! She is mine!
and here is a lot to explain
seeing her grooving in her favourite dance moves
I wish I could pause the time and seeing her smiling like this all day long
I am so lucky and blessed she always prooves
her altruistic nature is something that you need to live life
her selfless concern for her loved ones is my essence of life
I will be protecting her from any dis and cons
like every sec minute that exists in the clock of time
She is mine! She is mine!
I Love You infinite - MY SUNSHINE💖
Akshay Gupta
Tags:- Poem, English, She is mine