Friday, June 19, 2020

Yearning Fruits - Poem

Sustain the adversity

reveal only far-reaching

maintain euphony with ecstasy

maturate spirituality

thrive kernel

like a knight

aggrandize thou

aid the nonconformity

be hankered like unprecedented

overlook spurious

be candid

to yearn the fruits


Akshay Gupta

 Tags: English, Poem, Yearning Fruits

Friday, June 5, 2020

The Shrieking Elephant - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

I am 
in the state of misery
I think I am being assaulted,
by some unknown.
I was just feeding my baby,
can someone tell me,
what was my fault?
gasping for breath every minute
the twain of me
exhaling heavily,
in the sinking tone.
I feel like my body is maiming,
and oh my god!
someone save my baby,
and bring him alive
my burning skin weakening me,
I am losing my tonne.
I don't know what had happened,
by eating that pineapple cone
In any moment
I could die
please save my child
I sigh in the moan

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, The Shrieking Elephant, Mother Elephant

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Forest - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)

by bestial 

by undergrowth


 by frondescence

 fringed leaves


the lull eventide

now and again 
squally clime


"The Forest"

"the everlasting perpetuity"

Akshay Gupta
Summary :

I "The forest" spreading my arm broadly bearing no borderline for my creature's livelihood covering myself with enchanting shrubs and trees maintaining a total calm and peaceful domain with no disturbance pertaining to nature's breath having boundaries with scenic greenery beauty where fiber green leaves gesturing in leisure encouraging abounding lives. The proverbing poetic rhythm that has been sparkled here to appraise how the chirping birds singing in melody with soothing tunes escalating happiness all over around but as you all know that in the night, I used to sleep in total stillness in the silence of the night and some time or say frequently, I being showered with the downpour of rains with swift breezes making my aura truly sublime. So, "WE" is indicating my whole family contentedly living under my protective roof reflecting myself "The forest" with my everlasting eternity going on and on and on.

Tags: English, Poem, The Forest, Tree

Monday, June 1, 2020

The Art of living - Poem

Speaking Bird (Bolti Chidiya)


I came to know about you
believe me, there is a lot of things inside you,
that can surprise you.
point of view to this life journey,
will shape you to its length
but what's the point of this life!
I tell you, my friend,
all everyone knows about happiness, but
do you what is sheer happiness?
and from where it will come through!
maybe it is taking nap inside you 
then hearken me
nothing is permanent here
what is "now" is your living but
what makes humans in the situation of sanity?
I would say just take the halt from,
meddling in immaterial things,
which bothers you.
false lies are everywhere
but the truth is inside you
nurture that art,
recreate the journey with every good start.
every life part is not timeless
but priority takes it all
grab right sight of yours,
light it's with your own self vibes,
 and says it all.
everything is undone,
if it is poured without your wholesome efforts.
cover the strap,
with all your mirthful heart,
so that's to be considered
unseen, blindfolded words,
will always mystify you.
when knowledge is there,
everything is clear in or another way
my dear.
An art of living is only been there
where both mind and soul blend with eath other.
now I hope some fragments are clear to some extent,
adding this beautiful part into my life segment.
and so I like this to be"penned".

"Thank you"

Akshay Gupta

Tags: English, Poem, The Art of Living